Joe Woods — Work Samples


Here's a sample of some of the work I've done over the course of my career. My goal here is to express both the quantitative aspects of the things I've accomplished — literally, the tools I've picked up and the things I've gotten done — but also the qualitative demonstration of the type of work I've done, the teams I've worked with, the ways I've been a leader, an my general approach to problem solving.

Below, you'll find deployed work on every end of the stack. This list isn’t strictly in chronological order. I consider myself mostly a frontend application developer — a person who builds software that just happens to be mostly in JavaScript. You'll notice a bunch of frontend frameworks here; I consider all frameworks my allies. I've probably worked the most with Overture (Fastmail's frontend framework), with React a close second; I've also used a bit of Svelte.

On the frontend, I've deployed projects using:

I've built or maintained backend work in JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

There's also the scaffolding that goes around reliably serving these applications: I prefer to use Vite or Rollup, I've configured CI for linting and deployment (mostly on Gitlab), I have production applications using VPSes through DigitalOcean and Linode; AWS services including S3, CloudFront, Amplify, API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB; and I can hack my way around getting nginx and apache to do what I want. I currently prefer MySQL, SQLite, and DynamoDB. I think I have a pretty healthy understanding of git, though some of my tooling to automate my interactions with it have actually led one git expert to call me a "monster."

You can find some of my work on GitHub.

I should mention that I'm pretty good with Photoshop and Lightroom; I am also comfortable with XD, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Without further ado, here's some work samples:


Here's a small selection of the things I've done at Fastmail

Masked Email

Overture, zola

More information at

I was a key player in the Masked Email project with 1Password. My work was particularly focused on updating our signup and onboarding process for new users, as well as building the promotional marketing materials for the project.

Zendesk integration

Overture, make

I built our frontend interface to allow Fastmail, Topicbox, and Pobox users to view and submit support tickets.

In-app purchases


For iOS in-app purchases, I implemented a new onboarding flow and updated our frontend billing interface.

Vestaboard tools

bespoke frontend in js, node-style js image processing server with express

See tjwds/vesta-image, some commits in fastmail/Synergy.

As part of our Philadelphia office renovations, Fastmail required a Vestaboard, a split-flap display that hangs in the office entryway. We built tools that allow us to both interact with the Vestaboard from our organization-wide chatbot: I built an interface to allow people to edit and submit designs; I also built an image server which takes a the data representing the current state of the Vestaboard, composing and serving an image of the board.

A split-flap display showing the word Fastmail with a pattern of blue and yellow stripes.

If you look closely, you can see that I didn't spend as much time as I would have liked normalizing the brightness of each cell, but it serves as a good indicator that this was programmatically generated and not, like, just a picture of the real thing.

Outside of work

Here's some samples of how I've used my free time:

Joe's Bespoke Bots

python, vue, Twitter API

Here are a handful of machine learning projects combining sports, Twitter, and machine learning. More information at the link!


js backend, Discord API

quirk is a plug-and-play Discord bot, allowing me to quickly develop and deploy new modules.


PHP (Drupal, WordPress)

I am an editor at one of the longest running online literary journals. We're in the process of leaving Drupal and moving to WordPress.


Python (flask), mailgun

A custom submission management system designed so that the literary journal failbetter could accept submissions without contributors needing to pay submission fees. Routing and application logic all handled with Flask.


Previously, I worked as a full-stack developer at an eCommerce agency.

BigCommerce ThemeBridge

BigCommerce, PHP, React, JavaScript, MySQL, knex, node

I was the primary architect for an application which allows for BigCommerce themes to be deployed via an app to an environment which references their existing store data. Our server infrastructure features endpoints for synchronizing data about the service and for queueing change events. Jagged Peak Connector Integration

BigCommerce, PHP, React, JavaScript, MySQL

The Walgreens Boots Alliance created a direct-to-consumer subscription skincare product; we wrote the integration to synchronize order data, inventory, and shipping information between the fulfillment provider, Jagged Peak, and BigCommerce.

Veratad Age Verification for Shopify & BigCommerce

BigCommerce, Shopify, PHP, React, JavaScript, MySQL

Veratad is a platform for identifying the identity (and therefore age) of online customers. I wrote some features for the application and also ported it from BigCommerce to Shopify.



I have shared some photographs with the libre Unsplash license; my photos have been downloaded over half a million times. A photo I took is one of the first results if you search Google Images for “wall.”

A white brick wall